Video Player Choices
- Video.js v8 or v7 (files for both versions are included with the plugin)
- The WordPress default player using MediaElement.js
This WordPress video plugin adds several fields to any video uploaded to the WordPress Media Library. If your video can be played natively in your browser, or if you have FFMPEG installed on your server (optional), you can generate thumbnails from your video. Using either the “Generate” or “Randomize” buttons will create an array to choose from. Click “Insert into Post” and you’ll get a shortcode in the post editor that will make a flexible, responsive video player.
[videopack id="3533"][/videopack]
If you provide multiple H.264 resolutions, the plugin can automatically select the one closest to the size of the player or a resolution of your choice, and provide a button for users to select the resolution manually. If FFMPEG is installed on your server the plugin can make the videos automatically.
You can also use the plugin to create a popup video gallery. The shortcode uses options similar to the WordPress image gallery shortcode. In its simplest form it will create a gallery of all videos attached to the post.
[videopack gallery="true" gallery_exclude="3587, 3598"][/videopack]